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Tell Me When You Feel Something

Tell Me When You Feel Something

E-BookEPUBDRM AdobeE-Book


The perfect after-school job turns deadly for teens working as simulated patients at the local med school. Everyone has something to hide and no one is safe in this contemporary YA thriller that exposes the dark reality of #MeToo in the world of medicine, for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson.

It seemed like a cool after school program -- being a simulated patient for med school students to practice on. But now vivacious, charismatic Viv lies in a very real coma. Cellphone footage just leads to more questions. What REALLY happened? Other kids suspect it was not an intentional overdose -- but each has a reason why they can't tell the truth.
Through intertwining and conflicting narratives, a twisted story unfolds of trust betrayed as we sift through the seemingly innocent events leading up to the tragic night. And perhaps simulated patients aren't the only people pretending to be something they're not . . .
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Weitere ISBN/GTIN9780735270107
Format HinweisDRM Adobe
Seiten336 Seiten
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Über den/die AutorIn

Vicki Grant is the author of seventeen books including 36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You (which has sold to seventeen countries and has been optioned for film), The Puppet Wrangler, Quid Pro Quo, Dead-End Job and Not Suitable for Family Viewing. Her books have consistently garnered her recognition from the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association and the Canadian Children's Book Centre. Quid Pro Quo was shortlisted for an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America and was included as a "best book" by The New York Public Library, Bank Street College, and The Canadian Children's Book Centre, and won the Arthur Ellis Award for Best Juvenile Crime fiction in Canada.