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Japan - Michelin Green Guide

Japan - Michelin Green Guide

The Green Guide
BuchKartoniert, Paperback


The updated Green Guide Japan presents the country in all its diversity, from Tokyo's hyper-modern skyscrapers to Kyoto's shrines and temples and Nara's historic structures. Visit some of the country's sixteen UNESCO World Heritage Sites, sample Japan's excellent cuisine, take advantage of its outdoor activities and plentiful hot springs. The background explanations and practical information allow for deeper understanding and easy travel, while Michelin's famed star-rating system, colourful maps and trusted advice ensure an enjoyable visit.Key features- Updated edition with full-colour photos and plenty of detail travellers look for.- Attractions reviewed and rated, using Michelin's celebrated star-rating system, from the steam-plumed, thermal springs of 1-star Beppu to iconic 3-star Mount Fuji.- Walk-throughs of major museums, galleries, churches and attractions so you don't miss a thing; includes illustrations and floor plans for the highlights of major attractions.- Michelin's suggested walks through beautiful countryside offer an in-depth, personal experience of the region.- Comprehensive illustrated sections on modern Japan, art, history and culture, all written by experts in their fields.- Sidebars throughout the guide focus on intriguing topics such as cormorant fishing, Shinto shrines and the international silk trade.- Suggested places to eat and stay for a variety of budgets.- Detailed visitor information given for attractions, opening hours, entry fees, tour times, phone, website. Michelin area and city maps.- Includes recommendations for great places to eat/stay for all budgets.- Michelin Green Guides feature comprehensive, detailed and concise travel information for advance trip planning as well as spontaneous decisions during the visit.
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EinbandKartoniert, Paperback
Seiten516 Seiten
MasseBreite 118 mm, Höhe 221 mm, Dicke 30 mm
Gewicht613 g
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