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The Snows of Kilimanjaro CD

The Snows of Kilimanjaro CD

50 Min.. Hörbuch
HörbuchCompact Disc


"It came with a rush; not as a rush of water nor of wind; but of a sudden evil-smelling emptiness. . ."
A flamboyant, hard-drinking, ruthless, and womanizing world adventurer comes face-to-face with the one antagonist he cannot conquer: his own ignoble and imminent death. . . .

Written in 1938, The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a classic distillation of the themes Ernest Hemingway obsessively explored throughout his writing career. When Harry, the central character, goes on safari to "work the fat off his mind," his ambitions are cut short when a terrible accident leaves him facing his ultimate death and weighing the meaning of his life. Hemingway's brilliant prose is given a penetrating and moving reading by Charlton Heston in an audio that only deepens in meaning with each listening.
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EinbandCompact Disc
Dauer50 Min.
MasseBreite 144 mm, Höhe 127 mm, Dicke 10 mm
Gewicht78 g
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Über den/die AutorIn

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was one of the twentieth century's most important novelists, as well as a brilliant short story writer and foreign correspondent. His body of work includes the novels A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Sun Also Rises. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his novella The Old Man and the Sea, and in 1954 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Charlton Heston, best known for such epic films as The Ten Commandments and Ben-Hur, has appeared in more than forty motion pictures, among them The Agony and the Ecstasy, Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, and True Lies. He has received a number of awards both in the United States and abroad, including a Best Actor Academy Award© for Ben-Hur. Away from the camera, he has been active in the Screen Actors Guild, the American Film Institute, and the Center Theatre Group of Los Angeles.